Intermediate Java Developer - Psybergate

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Psybergate is a South African software, solutions and skills company formed in 1999 and based in Johannesburg. We provide the following services: 1. Mentoring: We mentor Psybergate and Client graduates in Java Foundations. We also mentor intermediate developers in various technology and professional development areas; 2. Custom software development: Psybergate prides itself in developing, supporting and hosting software solutions and mobile applications that meet client requirements using industry best practices; 3. Resources: We augment client software development teams with skilled project managers, business/systems analysts, programmers and testers, amongst other software skills; and, 4. Consulting: We provide niche technology and management consulting services. Psybergate has a strong footprint having consulted, provided resources, built and supported software for various private and public sector institutions. Psybergate is a founding partner of the Johannesburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE).

We augment client software development teams with skilled project managers, analysts, programmers and testers, amongst other software skills. Within this service stream, we offer both permanent and contractor resources. We are looking for an Intermediate Java Developer to join our client permanently at their office in Midrand.

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