Head of Revenue Growth at Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa

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Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) presents an exciting opportunity for a well-established Head of Revenue Growth for the Still products. The successful candidate will be based in the Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Head Office, Port Elizabeth reporting directly to the Chief Growth Officer, the role will lead two managers with their respective teams.

The successful incumbent will develop strategies required to deliver the Sparkling Revenue Growth plan. The role requires understanding and designing optimized marketplace architecture to translate Consumer, Shopper, Category and Customer insights into winning revenue strategies. Enabling leverage critical thinking that challenges the status quo and brings a step change in the future market growth of CCBA.



Coca-Cola Beverages Africa is the largest African Coca-Cola bottler, accounting for 40% of all Coca-Cola volumes on the continent. CCBA is a market leader in the NARTD (non-alcoholic ready to drink market) in Africa. CCBA has an extensive footprint in Africa, employing over 13 000 employees.


Key Duties & Responsibilities

Assess competitive landscape and market structure Evaluating category volume/value growth and identifying key drivers of growth (e.g. new products, distribution, price, etc.)

  • Identifying future trends of categories including switching.
  • Identifying competitive positioning by category and market, including how competitors “win” in the market (e.g. innovation, scale) and current economics and compare to System positioning.
  • Developing views on how System should compete in the category based on drivers / trends and performance verses AFB competitors.
  • Developing views on how competitors are likely to react based on economics, past actions and strategy/ “how they play”.



Set system RGM vision, based on occasions, consumer segments and size of the prize Identifying and prioritizing occasions with a ‘future outlook’ perspective. Developing “size of prize” using both consumer and shopper lens:

  • Consumer:  Per caps growth verses category and beer
  • Shopper:  Price trajectory verses category and beer
  • Determining system RGM vision by category (e.g., leader, follower, share stealer) based on size of prize and competitive and market landscape assessment and set multi-year targets for topline performance

How To Apply

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